Monday, March 30, 2009

Lucky Strike..

received this mail.. dont know whether u guys received it or not.
but yeah im gonna share it to u all.

The Power Of Photoshop.

this is i think the most unbelievable changes.

incredible huh.. so dont just see the person from the pic..
whats original is whats best.. no matter how ridiculous u look like.


a miracle happened today.. tell u why..
played volley n basketball after school..
chowed by 7.
realized that i lost my phone.. took 1 hour finding for it..
phone was like my only fire to my candle.

in the end.. went back to school by 8+
searched around.. and there it was..
right on the floor i sat on.. gosh..
lucky nobody took it..

second time experiencing something like this..

MY LUCK mah.
